information for new patients

we welcome and thank you for choosing strathfield retina clinic. it is our desire to provide you with EXCELLENT and timely service.

please read the following information carefully

On the day of your appointment:

  • Please bring a valid referral from your general practitioner, optometrist or specialist. Please note that GP and optometrist referrals are valid for 12 months, while specialist referrals are valid for 3 months.

  • Please bring your medicare card as well as any government pension/concession cards, department of veterans affairs cards and private health insurance cards

  • Please allow 2-3 hours for a thorough examination

  • You are advised not to drive as your pupils will be dilated

  • Please be prepared to pay at every visit. For your convenience, we accept all major credit cards (except AMEX). For an accurate quote, please contact the clinic and one of our staff members will assist you.

  • If your appointment is in relation to a Work Cover claim, please call the clinic on (02) 9746 3378 to discuss with our reception staff

Other Appointment Information:

  • Due to the Covid-19 outbreak, we require all patients to wear a mask to the clinic

  • To maintain social distancing and limit the amount of people entering the clinic space, patients will be required to remain in the clinic alone for the duration of their appointment. If there are any issues with this, please contact reception on (02) 9746 3378

  • Please note, if you are being referred for a surgical procedure - such as cataract surgery, vitrectomy, pterygium or blepharoplasty - these procedures are not performed at our clinic in Strathfield. However, you will still need to have a pre-operative consultation at our clinic. At this consultation with your ophthalmologist, they will discuss the surgery with you. You can find a list of our affiliated hospitals here.