

non-contact scan

The A-Scan uses Partial Coherence Interferometry to measure the axial length and surface curvature of the eye, which is especially useful to determine the appropriate artificial lens to use during cataract surgery. This is a non-contact scan that measures the time it takes for light to reach the back of the eye, to provide an accurate measurement of the eye. This scan does not use radiation and is safe in pregnancy. We use the latest IOLMaster 700 machine from ZEISS Medical Technology.

contact scan

In instances where the cataract is too dense, an A-Scan ultrasound is performed which uses high frequency sound waves to image the back of the eye. This is a contact scan but does not use radiation and is safe in pregnancy. Sometimes an immersion scan is performed, which involves placing a saline filled shell between the probe and the eye to avoid pressure on the cornea. This type of scan offers good results in instances where a non-contact scan cannot be used. We use the latest Aviso digital technology ultrasonography machine from Quantel. Strathfield Retina Clinic and our eye ultrasound facility has been accredited by NATA (National Association of Testing Authorities) which ensures the highest level of compliance with industry best practice, providing our patients with the assurance of the highest level of care.